ideal and envious


Character Sheets


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Character Sheets

These will be links to full sheets soon

All of this is subject to change. (WIP)

Each character will come a distinct group from within the City. These groups will all know eachother and have similar themes and aligned intrests.

Von Goethe - The Dealers.

Centuries of work, dozens of bodies, hundreds of tests have all lead to tonight. The final hurdle, for now. The chips are ready and the cards are shuffled, tonight is when it finally comes together. Things have to change.
  • This is your baby.- Push it to it's limit. Get people to bet early and bet often. Over everything, this will work.
  • This is Boring.- You can get something from this, surely. Take bribes, take names, lie.
  • This is fine.- A jobs a job. Maybe you could make you better, more interesting. Who said dealers couldn't play too.

Force Labour

You owe the Family more than your life. Attendance at tonights game was a demand more than a polite invite. However this is your chance for freedom. Try not to lose who you are. If nothing changes you will become nothing more than a puppet for the Von Goethes.

  Bet strategically. You need to get into games and you need to win.
  Bribes and Cheats are on the table. You need to win.
  • You remember.- They remember too. Bait people to put memories on the line, if they forget debts then they won't have you pay it back anyways.
  • You love.- Make sure that love stays strong. If you can get both of you out then thats ideal, but you will put them before yourself.
  • You are trusting.- Your friends wouldn't hurt you. Maybe you can work together to all be cleared by the end.

Social Climbers

New to the Eternal life the City provides. You've already made tough choices and learnt what truely matters here - social capital. The more people know you, and the more people you know, the easier life will be. If nothing changes you will be stuck in the lower rungs of Envy's hirerarcy.

  Bet to better yourself. Purge the bad, take all the good you can get.
  Bet with purpose. Anything you win can, and should be used to get what you want outside of simply betting. Favours are powerful.
  • You are optimisitic.- You could make someone better. Then they would have to owe you, right?
  • You wish to belong.- Maybe if you make the right bets, play the game better than anyone else then the family, or anyone, will take you in.
  • You are arrogant.- Memories are powerful things. Get in their heads and make others remember you.

Thrill Seekers

Ancient and full of life. Who cares about debt when this is finally something new after so, so long. Still some debts insist on being repaid so why not win a game or two. More importantly, you've been so bored lately that a good game is a needed change of pace. If nothing changes, make it change.

  Nothing to lose and Everything to gain. Bet big, bet wild.
  You value the new. Bet weird or trade for interesting parts to make a new you.
  • You are excited.- Finally! New entertainment! it's been so long. Explore this to its fullest. Make a completely new You.
  • You are curious.- This is a test run. So you should push its boundries. Swap parts of You with abandon.
  • You are confident.- If you lose it, it wasn't worth keeping in the first place. Not that you can't also take from others.


Old souls of Envy. You each owe many small debts, none of which you can repay, not that you care. If nothing changes you will simply lay down and rot. This is your swansong, an easy way out.

  Bet huge. Get rid of what makes you you.
  If you can't bet, give it away. Throw away the old before you start to care, or worse, regret it.
  • You are tired.- This is your end. It must be. Lose it all. Go out with a bang.
  • You are angry.- Why should only you be miserable. Make someone worse. Make them feel what you've felt for eons.
  • You are hopeful.- Maybe you could find a way out this rut. Maybe improvement is possible. Maybe, for the first time in a long while, you can feel better.
